Protect your valuable assets with GPS tracker

Protect your valuable assets with GPS tracker

Monitoring vehicle security and efficiency regularly is the most challenging scenario for every individual. If you are looking for the finest way to track your asset and its route map in a real time then the ideal solution is to choose GPS Tracking system. Therefore integrating your vehicle with GPS tracking system is not only a convenient method, but it also boosts your assets safety and efficiency. More than tracking the vehicles real time position, it also aids you to manage and report assets present status.

GPS vehicle tracking solution are enabled with wide range of features for asset management and security purpose, let see some of them for your benefits.

Real time visibility: Monitoring vehicles real time activities provides huge satisfaction for every fleet owner, integrating with GPS tracking system helps to get reliable information on vehicles current location, vehicles speed, fuel efficiency and deviation from the route map in real time.

Alerts and notification: You can create geo zone for your valuable asset in a large spectrum of road map, when the vehicle enters the restricted area information will be triggered to your system. This provides appropriate information of your assets status and it also enabled with landmark alert system when the vehicle enters or leaves the designated area notification will be triggered.

Security: Common issue which happens often is vehicle’s theft, when it happens consequences will be high with unexpected expenses. Integrating GPS vehicle tracking system will help you to regain your valuable assets by facilitating you to trace the exact location of the lost vehicle.

Contact us today to empower your vehicle with TRINETRA Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management system. If you want to know more about Trinetra you can request for a product demo here.

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

Fleet tracking to improve customer service

Fleet tracking to improve customer service

In modern days investment in GPS Tracking has become imperative for companies that depend on fleets. No doubt, installation of vehicle tracking system will improve fleet productivity, safety and company’s operations. This fleet tracking system lets fleet manager to get insight across vehicles operations and take necessary actions to make your fleet more productive.

GPS vehicle tracking system gives your business the power to know the whereabouts of your delivery vehicle and streamline supply chains to optimize performance and efficiency. Further it allows driver to make real-time routing decisions that reduce fuel usage, speed up response times and improve customer service.

In the fleet industry, lack of visibility of vehicles and inefficient navigation make it difficult to respond customer requests and traffic delays. With Trinetra fleet tracking system installed in your vehicle you can at any point in time keep customers informed on time of delivery by choosing optimized routes, drastically reduce the rate of accidents by monitoring unsafe driving behaviors, reduce vehicle idling time by verifying the vehicles time spent on site, schedule reminders on maintenance service to improve efficiency.

GPS tracking has revolutionized the way of business being done. Benefits of adopting this include

  • Quick response time to customer emergency
  • Efficient routing to minimize fuel usage
  • Get instant alerts & notifications on vehicle idling
  • Provide accurate delivery estimates
  • Get driving directions on the go
  • reduce operating costs in the long run
  • Graphical Reports for quick analysis & decision making

Get a free demo and discover how you can improve your customer service with GPS vehicle tracking.

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

Why School Bus GPS Tracking System is essential for Educational Institutes?

Why School Bus GPS Tracking System is essential for Educational Institutes

With the increasing population and traffic in cities, educational institutions & administrations are under the pressure to provide a safe, reliable journey for school children in the school buses or vans. Managing school buses is a hectic process and requires a systematic process, well maintained vehicles, organized drivers and constant monitoring to transport children safe and securely to and from schools.

In the old days, it was impossible to track the whereabouts of vehicles but it’s not the case today, with technology developments we can achieve things easily. With the advent of GPS tracking systems it is now possible to track the when and where of your vehicles. But why it is important for educational institutes to opt for GPS based school bus tracking system? The answer for this question is here.

  • Safety: School bus GPS tracking ensures student safety by providing notifications on estimated arrivals, student entry/exit, and delays.
  • Driver Efficiency: Trinetra’s system alerts stakeholders about unsafe driving, speed violations, detours, and late arrivals. Monitoring encourages drivers to follow road safety rules, reducing accidents.
  • Productivity: The route management feature allows scheduling and notifies the Transport Manager of any misuse or detours, ensuring drivers stick to the schedule, cutting fuel expenses, and improving productivity.

An effective School Bus Tracking System ensures the safety of children while reducing costs. With our next-generation, web-based, GPS-powered platform, we provide an integrated solution for all your fleet management needs. Contact us today to learn more and request a product demo.

Manage Your Fleet Effectively With Vehicle Tracking Mobile App

Manage Your Fleet Effectively With Vehicle Tracking Mobile App

Smartphone’s have become a vital part in the routine lives of millions of people around the globe. Whether they use mobile phones, tablets, or any other handheld devices they get all the required information in the palm of their hands. That’s why mobile app plays an important role in today’s market for any business.

As fleet owners in today’s world are on the move, it is significant that the fleet tracking companies should have a mobile app to instantly track and manage their fleets. But why? How far the vehicle tracking mobile apps can be valuable for fleet owners? Let’s Discuss:

Mobile apps for fleet tracking facilitate fleet owners to monitor and manage their fleets through Smartphone’s right-away. These apps are simple-to-use and brings the most modern technology and creativity to make sure that their fleets are always trackable and making it an perfect solution that they don’t have to be with PC’s or laptops all time to stay up to date about fleet information. With the fleet tracking mobile app, fleet managers can seamlessly receive or send messages to their fleet drivers, view real-time vehicle location, monitor fleet activities, set alarms & notifications, status and much more. Trinetra’s intuitive mobile app for vehicle tracking empowers existing users with the primary information’s such as:

  • Track fleets’ whereabouts and stop times
  • Digital Maps to exhibit the movement of the vehicles / assets
  • Smart dashboard to analyze the key aspects
  • Monitor fleet driver behavior
  • Entire history of fleets
  • View various alarms
  • Instant alerts and notifications.

Click Here to know more about Trinetra’s Vehicle Tracking Mobile App.

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

How Trinetra Helps to Reduce Fuel Costs

How Trinetra Helps to Reduce Fuel Costs

Leaving vehicles idle for long time at the work site can extremely increase your fuel bills. It is high time to cut the fuel costs and manage your fleet efficiently. But how? Let’s discuss how Trinetra – GPS Vehicle Tracking Software can alert you with the below mentioned wasteful driving behaviors:

1. Vehicle Idling – By receiving instant alerts on where and when the excessive vehicle idling has been occurred helps fleet managers to take immediate corrective and put an end to increased fuel expenses.

2. Optimized Routes – Makes sure whether employees are using the right and shortest/quick routes to the destination points. Trinetra alerts in case, if your fleet drivers are lost due to wrong directions.

3. Over Speeding – Driving faster than 65mph causes fuel efficiency to drop an extra 10% for each 5mph over 65mph. Trinetra GPS vehicle tracker will send an alert every time the user-defined speeding limit is crossed.

4. Unauthorized Usage – Anytime if a vehicle equipped with Trinetra GPS tracker is moving beyond a clear set of work hours it is consider unauthorized and the mileage is tracked. This prohibits unnecessary fuel to be burned on non-business purposes.

With Trinetra on your side, you can sky-rocket your fleet’s performance thereby reaping the potential business benefits with significant fuel-cost savings.

Stay tune to our blog and keep yourself updated on Fleet management Solutions, Fuel Management Solutions, Fleet maintenance Solutions and much more!

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

Plan your Routes Effectively with TRINETRA

Plan your Routes Effectively with TRINETRA1

Effective route planning and transit is crucial for any business that depends upon on-time deliveries. It’s highly important for fleet drivers to be capable enough in knowing and finding the shortest and quickest routes to dispatch the allotted deliveries, but it is not manually possible under all circumstances. Fortunately, Trinetra’s – Real time vehicle tracking solution overlays on Digital Maps feature come into play. Real-time vehicle tracking is essential for route planning. If you have direct access to online traffic data using GPS vehicle tracking systems, you get better approach on best and clear routes for your fleet drivers without spending more time, fuel and money.

How Trinetra’s GPS tracking helps with effective Route Planning:

  • Track your drivers and simply dispatch the closest driver to a customer’s location.
  • Increase driver productivity by travelling less time and dispatching their deliveries or services more promptly and travel less miles with optimized routes.
  • Avoid traffic related delays by receiving instant updates on distance, turn-by-turn driving directions, estimated drive times and other location information to be travelled for the day.
  • Enhanced driver safety through reduced mobile phone use and wrong turns.
  • Monitor fuel utilization in order to better facilitate fuel stops.
  • Automatically suggest the quickest route to the destination point in case, if your fleet drivers are lost due to wrong directions.
  • Reduce vehicle wear and tear by effectively utilizing the valuable assets with properly planned routes.
  • Improves customer satisfaction by offering more accurate arrival and departure schedules.

Not every GPS Vehicle Tracking Solution’s offer this significant feature, but TRINETRA does. The benefits are obvious, but read here for more information on specifically how route optimization helps to boost your business.

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

Which Industries Can Highly Make Use of GPS Vehicle Tracking Solution? Contd.,

GPS Vehicle Tracking Can Help You Reduce Accidents!

Previously we discussed about which industries can highly make use of GPS Vehicle Tracking Solution. Now let’s discuss about few other industries here:

6) Police, Law enforcement & Defense Sector – Government organizations have a wide range of vehicle tracking needs ranging from VIP tracking, simple light to medium duty vehicles that supports security, emergency, infrastructure and other. GPS Vehicle tracking device helps to instantly track the concerned authority in the closest proximity on an emergency call to arrive more quickly when any misappropriation has been detected.

7) Travel & Tour Operators – Whether it is flights, buses or trains, transit companies depend upon GPS Vehicle Tracking solution to ensure they are on-schedule. These GPS systems help in tracking daily trip reports, announce forthcoming landmarks, spots/stops and inform passengers about vehicles route number and destination.

8) Food & Beverage Service – Companies that transport food and beverage products need to be more competent with on-time deliveries. These companies should always keep track on where the distribution points are located for efficient delivery of new supplies and to ensure security of food. GPS vehicle tracking solutions helps to dispatch drivers to their allotted deliveries and real-time updates on location, speed and route of the fleet, which enhances productivity and saves money.

9) Insurance – Reducing insurance costs can be a massive savings for any company. Insurance companies offer lower interest rates for vehicles furnished with GPS tracking systems. This helps in generating detailed reports, analytics and statistics about driving behavior to ensure the safety of driver and vehicle.

10) Security Services – Companies that offer Security services are highly responsible for the safety of people, vehicles, and other high value assets. Monitoring and tracking those high value assets with an effective GPS tracking system is a cost-effective way to assure the protection of all high value assets.

If you are seeking for a reasonable and consistent way to track your fleet or vehicles, check out the GPS vehicle tracking device pioneered by TRINETRA, a globally renowned GPS Vehicle Tracking & Fleet Management Solutions.

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices with OBD II Port

GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices with OBD II Port

OBD stands for “On-Board Diagnostics” which refers to vehicles self-diagnostic and reporting capability. It is a computer-based system, primarily designed to reduce emissions by supervising the performance of key engine components.

Early form of OBD would essentially light up a breakdown indication light if an issue was noticed, however it would not give any data as to the root cause of the issue. But the new Cutting edge OBD technology utilize an institutionalized digital communication port to give instant information, which permits one to quickly recognize and cure glitches inside the vehicle.

OBD-II was launched during the last decade of the 20th century and became a requirement for all cars and light trucks. “II” denotes the second and most modern version of this technology. On Board Diagnostics II (OBD) port of the vehicles helps to directly monitor engine and vehicle activity data such as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC), true idling, speed, odometer readings, fuel consumption, distance travelled and more information. The Malfunction Indicator Lights (MIL) lights up and alerts the drivers in case of any engine or vehicle faults.

With Trinetra supporting integration with OBDII, installation also becomes simple combined with an intuitive Cloud based web interface makes it a powerful combination. Connect, log in and instantly track vehicles with the snap of your fingers. Convenience – we don’t simply provide it for the sake – we accept it’s our competitive point. Take in more at

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

Which Industries Can Highly Make Use of GPS Vehicle Tracking Solution?

Which Industries Can Highly Make Use of GPS Vehicle Tracking Solution1

Many industries find GPS Vehicle tracking solution, as an effective way of cutting vehicle costs and increase productivity. With an effective vehicle tracking solution, a wide range of vehicle information including location, speeding violations, harsh braking, routes, idling hours, engine start up and shut down can be tracked and monitored easily. They probably don’t have to depend upon employees calling in with their location to know exactly where they are.

GPS Vehicle tracking solution isn’t essential for all Industries, however for few industries it is very important. Now let’s discuss about which industries can highly make use of GPS Vehicle Tracking system:

1) Educational Institutions: Now a day’s accidents and traffic is always unpredictable, parents are extremely anxious about the safety of their children, particularly with respect to their journey in the school buses or vans. However, this is not an unsolvable problem. The concept of School Bus Tracking is now very simple and easy with GPS vehicle tracking solution, which is a boon for school management authorities and parents for instant update about the students’ location.

2) Construction: Many construction organizations have a wide range of vehicles utilized by their workers. It’s very difficult to identify that their construction fleets are used for the company business purpose and not for private uses. With the GPS vehicle tracking system, construction companies can track the location of their construction fleet vehicles and how they are being used in the construction site. This helps in saving companies time and money while maintaining necessary safety and compliance procedures.

3) Fleet Leasing: Fleet leasing companies with huge fleets need to know the location of their fleets on a frequent basis because they have invested lot of funds on their fleets. Real time fleet tracking solutions helps in meeting the requirement of the customers more competently. Many organizations, fleet owners and dispatchers make use of GPS fleet tracking solution to enhance the fleet routing system, on-board information, security and speed-up the dispatching process.

4) Corporate Cab Services: Corporate cab service providers play a vital role in employee transport system. Nowadays the cab services have become more popular and utilized by almost all people. Most of the taxi companies are executing GPS based tracking software in the cabs because huge fleets of vehicles can simply become uncontrollable, as drivers uselessly wander the streets in search of passengers. In-order to avoid this problem, Vehicle Tracking Solution helps the taxi service organizations in monitoring the cab location, real time tracking, status of AC and speed, locating the nearest taxi effortlessly and diverting, planning the passenger arrival / departure schedules efficiently and ensuring that drivers are actually working.

5) Transportation & Logistics: Businesses/ organizations that rely on large trucks to offer products and services to their customers can experience the immediate cut-cost benefits with GPS truck tracking solutions in Transportation & logistics industry. Truck drivers frequently transport goods over long distance. Driver fatigue can be an issue travelling through remote region during night times, by having the GPS truck tracking software installed on all their vehicles, allows them to monitor the trucks at 24×7 which paves the way for complete control, efficiency, profitability, safety and security of both truck and the driver.
In today’s cutthroat economy, increasing efficiency and decreasing the expenses is more important than anything. How businesses/organizations can make sure that their fleet vehicles and drivers are functioning at maximum efficiency? Fortunately, TRINETRA has a solution!

By implementing Trinetra’s – GPS Vehicle Tracking & Fleet Management software into fleet vehicles, help in reducing operating costs, increasing productivity, and improving vehicle utilization.

Stay tuned to our blog to discuss about other Industries that could make use of GPS Vehicle Tracking Solutions.

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.

How do Organization benefit from GPS Vehicle Tracking Solutions: Part Two

How do Organization benefit from GPS Vehicle Tracking Solutions-Part Two1

It’s high time for small businesses / organizations to invest in a GPS vehicle tracking solution to enhance profitability and productivity during this busy time of the year.

Many small businesses are unaware and reluctant to invest in what seems like a difficult and luxurious solution, but the real fact is that GPS vehicle tracking solutions are inexpensive and extremely beneficial to all business sizes and its unique requirements.

In our previous blog, we discussed two ways on how GPS vehicle tracking solutions could benefit small businesses; let’s take a look at few more.

3. Smarter Route Planning and Driver Safety:
Nothing else annoys other than getting stuck in traffic, small business fleets can’t bear to waste money and time on idling or making pit stops. With Trinetra’s GPS fleet tracking solutions, fleet managers can seamlessly track, recognize and reroute fleet drivers. GPS tracking solutions notifies immediately if unusual driving patterns occur or if drivers enter unauthorized locations. Through GPS fleet tracking, drivers are kept safe and conveyances are kept on-time.

4. Diminish Insurance Rates:
With developments in GPS tracking solutions, more insurance agencies have come up with providing attractive discounts on insurance premiums to organizations / businesses that has vehicles equipped with a real-time GPS fleet tracking system.

5. Locate High Value Assets/Vehicles Easily – Locate your high values assets / vehicles or stolen vehicles with exact location details through GPS technology.

6. Optimize Financial Management – Perfect GPS log information/reports allows you to generate more practical profit and loss analysis, improves accountability, and enhances better budget preparation.

7. Excellent Customer Support – Real time GPS tracking solutions allows you to offer absolute customer services, with quicker response times and on-time deliveries enhance ROI for your small business.

Trinetra offers wide range of GPS fleet tracking solutions for businesses of all sizes. If you are interested to know more about how you can benefit from executing a vehicle tracking solution for your transportation business, view our live demos or request for pricing today.

We’re glad that Trinetra’s – GPS vehicle tracking solution has been successfully implemented in India, Canada, UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, Australia and other countries.

Are you one among the small business looking to implement a GPS Vehicle tracking solution? Well you’re at right place! Check out Trinetra’s Business intelligence solution!

Contact us today to empower your Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management requirements with TRINETRA. Want to know more about TRINETRA? You can request for a product demo here.







