Eight ways that make the fleet management system work smarter for you.

There are smart ways to make your fleet management more effective to meet the unique requirements of your fleet of Vehicles or truck fleets. They are now easier to manage thanks to advancement in technology and IT, greatly improving a number of areas to benefit fleet owners or operators. Find here the 8 ways fleet management software can help make your fleet business more profitable and productive.

Telematics enable real-time connectivity

Fitting the vehicle or truck with the GPS tracking hardware and activating the device and software is all what you need to do to get instant fleet management. The FMS software will take care of all the requirements of the fleet managers and operators via telematics.

Vehicle specific routes mapped

The software provides navigational module for the drivers to safely move them from destination so the next and so on. GPS vehicle tracking offers number of significant advantages to keep drivers efficient safe and stress-free. A capable vehicle navigation and routing module is one of the most effective safety measures for drivers.

Truck/Vehicle specific routing is based on the vehicle size and load

Realistic maps help prepare drivers to make their journey efficiently and economically. Updates and notifications help drivers respond to route changes or detours. The rout is charted based on the size of the vehicle and the type of load it is carrying. Help drivers by providing more info such as weight limits, low bridge clearance, entry and exit points, rest stops or parking areas, etc. to get their way to each destination up to the last mile.

Maximize uptime with preventive maintenance

Maintenance managers are provided with a wealth of information and diagnostic data too on the health of vehicles. Compared with the OEM data provided by vehicle manufacturers maintenance managers currently get far more accurate evaluation of how the vehicles are performing as well as enable them to plan upcoming maintenance and their schedules. Service centres also get advanced notice of the schedules to be prepared. This data also helps the company plan vehicle life cycle and help develop best practice guidelines.

GPS tracking to monitor movement, location & door-open events

Robust hardware installed in vehicles or trucks monitor in real-time 24 x 7 the movements and location. It can also monitor the ‘door opening and closing’ events for reasons of safety and security. Geofencing can be set up by the software to monitor vehicle movements and also to automatically notify managers, such as when a vehicle enters or leaves a location or site.

Automatic POD and fast turnaround by GPS on Geofences

Using GPS enabled tracking the FMS lets you detect the location of a vehicle, or driver, or mobile asset, when entering or exiting the’ geofenced’ area which has added value to the system. it can be used to confirm automatically the Proof of Delivery (POD) and electronically tagged as a completed task. It can also trigger other functions like billing, despatch scheduling and others and cuts down paperwork completely.

Communication Channel & Web Access

The software help you set up interactive communication channel and data streams with fleet managers, drivers, backend staff, facilitating alerts & notifications, messages, feedback forms, complaints registry, monitoring parameters, etc. The FMS software is web hosted and mobile app integrated for easy data transfer in real-time and always accessible via a compatible communication channel.

BYOD Option

A BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) option can help reduce costs of managing fleets, as drivers can use their own device, a smartphone or tablet, with an app on either iOS or Android platform to be connected with the Headquarters. Integration with GPS tracking and mobile app installation, the system can facilitate navigation, cover compliance and driver behaviour and help in work order management, which all improves the work experience.

Trinetra’s Fleet Management Software uses a telematics to constantly monitor parameters and track vehicles or mobile assets across territories. It works in real time on a web-based platform built for easy and remote access by all stakeholders. With a customised mobile app, to helps run and streamline fleet operations economically ensuring a better ROI.

Simply request for a Demo and our team will return as to you as soon as possible.

Start your intelligent fleet management journey today!

As technology and innovation advances, facilities and services get enhancement; thus fleet owners and operators too have gained as their fleet management system works overtime to resolve the issues arising, to improve performance and profitability. The evolution of the business model for fleet operations is leading to the adoption of intelligent systems. More companies are adopting IoT technologies to make comprehensive solutions to locate, track, monitor and manage fleets of vehicles.

There are opportunities awaiting you at the door and the logistics sector are ready to enter a smarter threshold of intelligent management systems. Trinetra FMS system can launch you into the smarter threshold with an IoT enabled system. It’s time you embarked on to the Intelligent Fleet Management system and here’s how you start your journey.

Starting your Intelligent FMS project.

Starting the intelligent FMS project, you desire on you own (as an operator) could be a daunting task. However, to integrate IoT into the project you will again need internal IoT expertise and resources. The expertise to build on top an enterprise grade and tested IoT platform that’s usable across the industry.

Adopt a built, customisable platform. This is where Trinetra’s Fleet Management System (FMS) comes in to help you out. First of all, you can easily customise and tailor the FMS software to meet your organisation’s needs and requirements. Another benefit is you are not tied down to a legacy system that is unable of adapting and changing to meet your fleet’s evolving requirements and shift in preferences. One other benefit is you can scale up operations easily and also access potential revenue lines by accessing any business data or performance metrics that you require for analysing or exploring possibilities as Trinetra offers both GPS hardware and software integration.

Outline Objective and Policy. Have a clear understanding of your objective and the reason to make the move to an intelligent system and identify the group of vehicles for it. Make up your policy with regard to the structure of the plan, the type of vehicles, its life cycle, the sector targeted.

Selection of Vehicle.  The selection of vehicle should be a data based decision making exercise to fulfil the requirements or meet the challenges. Selection is broadly based on factors like, life span (mileage), fuel consumption, service cost & schedule, repairs, replacements and maintenance. It can also be an optimal mix of vehicle types.

Make the Process. You need to set up the process required to achieve the desired results. The process can include the procedures for procuring and filling fuel, managing driver behaviour and choice, scheduling of shifts, maintenance or service calls, etc.

Two-way Communication Channels. Make sure you set up interactive communication channels and data streams needed, involving fleet managers, drivers, backend staff, for alerts & notifications, messages, feedback forms, complaints registry, monitoring parameters, etc.

Audit & Review. Once the policy is defined, consistently review the process, outcomes, data, reports and audit all accessible, collected information and data that will activate necessary responses, tweaks, actions and corrections. Define the key performance indicators (KRI) to extract insights for management using vindicated audit reports done periodically.

Incorporate IoT advantage. By incorporating the right IoT solution enterprises can streamline their operations, set up geo-fencing, remotely track their assets, get alerts and notifications and gain better visibility and insights all in real-time. thereby they increase uptime of vehicles, monitor temperature parameters, driving behaviour, optimise routes, reduce fuel and maintenance costs and get cost based savings.

Trinetra’s FMS software uses a telematics to effectively monitor and track vehicles and assets across geographies in real time. It works on a web-based platform built for easy and remote access to all stakeholders. Added with a customised mobile app, it accrues many benefits to helps run and streamline fleet operations economically in any industry ensuring a better ROI. You  can gather more info about Trinetra Wireless at our website:  (https://www.trinetrawireless.com/features/overview/).

Simply request for a Demo and our team will return as to you as soon as possible.

Use benchmarking to improve your fleet performance and management.

Fleet Performance Management Software

It is essential to evaluate your fleet operations’ success year over year and also how it compares to other operators, to remain competitive and profitable. One way to track your progress is by setting benchmarks and process to support it. The benchmark is an important metric to which data can be compared to determine how the fleet operations are performing. With benchmarks you track your operation costs better, determine vehicle replacement time and also compare with other operations.

Operating Costs can be Tracked. Operating costs include a host of factors that include labour costs to vehicle downtime and more. Measure your fleet operations to determine its performance and to ensure your company is on the right track. A company’s fleet manager constantly works to find ways to economise operations and improve the ROI.

Replace Vehicles on time. By tracking the costs on each vehicle, you can prevent overspend on an asset. The benchmark will help identify the vehicles you are spending more than necessary. If fuel expenses, repairs and parts are more than they should be, then it is time to replace the asset, as it has become too expensive to keep it running. On the other hand, if an older vehicle is not expensive to run as per the benchmark, you can keep the vehicle active in the fleet for more time.

Compare with other operators. Keep your benchmarks as per industry benchmarks, to help you determine how your operations compare with other operators. By tracking your data and comparing with benchmarks, you’ll know if you are spending more on labour, repairs or parts and whether vehicle downtime is longer than others. Update information and benchmarks will help you evaluate your internal process and help to make changes, if necessary.

An effective fleet management software (FMS) is needed to help your vehicles perform well and generate the income required for your company. The fleet management program can use benchmarks to manage, compare and improve your fleet business and identify cost savings. Modern Fleet Management Solutions use telematics in helping to diagnose fleet vehicle condition and maintenance issues. With the help of benchmarks and GPS enabled telematics, remote monitoring of vehicles will lead to better vehicle utilisation and better driver management, which all add to cost savings and a better ROI.

Trinetra’s FMS software uses a telematics effectively and is a web-based platform for easy accessibility. With mobile app integration, it has many benefits to streamline and economically run fleet operations for any industry. Pick up more about Trinetra Wireless products at our website (https://www.trinetrawireless.com/features/overview/). Just request for a Demo and our team will respond as soon as possible to you.

How to manage your fleet with less staff.

The modern fleet manager is consistently working to economise operations and improve the ROI of the company, but when a calamity hits the economy, the challenges being faced change altogether. The Covid-19 pandemic is a medical catastrophe that has hit most parts of the world leaving economies to run in crisis mode. The transport and logistics industry the world over is one of the hardest hit.

Fleet operators have to run on reduced budgets to make up for big losses caused by the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. Due to various reasons operators are forced to run operations with reduced staff. It may be owing to layoff or medical reasons, but the managers have to put the show back on the road. Managers have to face the challenges of the new normal caused by the Covid-19 virus outbreak.

It is difficult to get the same work done with lesser staff members. However here are some ways to follow to manage the situation as best as possible.

First is to review & evaluate operations. One of the first things the fleet manager or owner has to do is to review and evaluate the operations and process. Find out tasks and processes that are duplicated at multiple points or by employees. Identify the obstructions in the process and areas where more time is taken. Get inputs from your staff and make a list of improvements to be done. Discuss all this and work with your staff to make the process efficient.

Implement and make best use of FMS software. Use your existing, or if not immediately implement, the fleet management system software to streamline operations and make them more efficient. Your list of improvements and innovations can be implemented through the FMS software. The maintenance process too can be streamlined by analysing all information about the vehicles, stored in on place (centralised). It will reduce time in paperwork and documentation and make all repair and vehicle information readily available. It will save technicians time and streamline the parts inventory and related stock.

The system will support a preventive maintenance schedule that will improve the life cycle of vehicles and prevent unplanned downtime of the fleet. The system’s data will alert the maintenance technicians for any discrepancies and identify issues before it occurs.

Telematics support. Modern FMS uses telematics in helping to diagnose fleet vehicle condition and maintenance issues. It is helpful to run the system with lesser staff members and support technicians to achieve more work. It can speed up vehicle inspections and reduce its numbers. It can help identify severity of issues and prioritise its rectification or repairs. Telematics also support in remote monitoring of vehicles that leads to better vehicle utilisation and better driver behaviour, which all tends to cost savings.

Trinetra’s FMS software uses a telematics enabled system run on a web-based platform. This Fleet Management software, with mobile app integration, has many benefits to economically run fleet operations in any industry. Learn more about Trinetra Wireless products with a look at our website (https://www.trinetrawireless.com/features/overview/). Just ask for a Demo and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

Cut running cost of freight transport vehicles by smart routing and scheduling.

Freight Transport Fleet Management

At the end of a financial year, businesses reflect upon what better ways can be adopted to change and improve processes and also manage data better, to stay ahead of the competition in the coming year. Businesses should take advantage of technology like Fleet Management System (software) that provides a routing and scheduling optimising solution to cut down operating costs. It helps to reduce fuel consumption & emissions, improve resource allocation & mileage besides the ROI for fleet business.

Trinetra offers a Fleet Management System software that lowers operating costs across a wide range of industries, sectors and distribution systems. We have put up a list of ways that utilizes fright transport vehicle with optimal scheduling and routing to cuts costs and make better use of assets.

Design of the Distribution Network.  Take a good look at your distribution system that allocates your customers between distribution points or centres. Model the network of distribution centres and depots to optimise routing. Utilise the records and history of orders to determine which customers can be served by allocating which distribution centre in the schedules and routing.

Route Optimisation. The FMS software with telematics helps to optimise Route Planning to reduce total mileage run by vehicles in the fleet. You can benefit by nearly 20%. So, deliver the same number of products with fewer runs and save time. Optimising the route, cuts fuel costs and carbon emissions, streamlines operations and helps to optimise vehicle usage.

Reduce Empty Runs. To reduce overall empty running of vehicles in a fleet, enable vehicles and drivers at multiple sites to work as a single integrated resource. Movements from different distribution centres can be combined into planned routes to reduce empty runs. Thus a driver returning from delivery can pick up another load back to the depot, to avoid empty runs, maximise vehicle utilisation, productivity and reduce mileage.

Improve flexibility. To streamline operations, you need to have a really flexible routing and scheduling system. The system must be able to accommodate an unlimited number of variables to chart the most optimal routes. Variables include – traffic conditions driver schedules, one-way roads, bridge height restrictions, school zones, public events, etc.

Integrate tracking & accurate rout plans. The more accurate the route plan the more realistic savings. The plan should reflect the real world using vehicle tracking (GPS-enabled) system and define planning parameters accordingly. The software can enable Geo-fencing to increase control and efficiency over the fleet operations.

Astute fleet managers & transport operators are continually on the lookout for ways to improve energy efficiency of fleets. since fuel costs account for nearly 60% of the budget allocated running cost. Fuel usage is regularly monitored (daily) as it is the main recurring cost suffered by any fleet. GPS empowered fleet management software, is able of mine data about operating vehicles, including handling which affects maintenance & efficiency of vehicles.

Trinetra’s FMS software is hosted on a web-based platform, with mobile app integration, possessing many features to run economically your fleet operations in any sector. Get to know more about Trinetra Wireless offerings by a visit to – www.trinetrawireless.com. Just submit the enquiry form filled to our team. We’ll respond as soon as we can.

Reasons why fleets would be mostly electric in future.

The case for electric vehicles is getting stronger as time goes by, due to significant demand, increasing attractive incentives, and a broadening choice of models driving the market forward. An electric vehicle option and an electric fleet is getting more viable for any business or operator and more prospective in future for more reasons.

Environmental Reasons. Traditional cars with IC engines have made a negative impact on the environment owing to the emissions they produce, which is widely accepted as a trigger to global warming. It resulted in the legislation and an obligation to reduce emissions.

The CSR Reason. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of firms have motivated them to look towards an electric fleet. CSR can help to strengthen brand image and value in the market besides winning goodwill. It also supports a lot of good work for our future generation and better world.

Growing Supportive Infrastructure, the hurdle in the EV market is the proper infrastructure manly charging solutions. However, with increasing acceptance and numbers, the electric charging stations and portable charging devices are steadily growing, with support from government and other quarters who are supporting the upgrading of infrastructure.

Cost Benefit Reasons. EV cost lesser to be energised than refuelling with fossil fuels, but offer responsive traction and tongue, reducing operation costs. The maintenance cost is also lesser.as the only heavy replacement cost is in batteries. As mass production improves EVs will cost less. Most major vehicle manufacturers and brands have started exploring this electric alternative and are progressing rapidly to make it a realistic, viable mode of transport and mobility.

Discerning fleet managers and owners are constantly on the watch out for better energy efficiency of fleets, since fuel costs account for nearly 60% of the budget in operations. Fuel consumption is usually monitored on a daily basis, as it is the main recurring cost suffered by the fleet business or transporter. Technological R&D and innovations in battery development has been able to offer longer lasting batteries that provide more mileage and extended life cycle.

Using GPS Technology fleet management software enabled by Telematics is capable of mining a lot of data about the vehicle, including handling that affects the efficiency of vehicles. Future EVs are being developed as connected vehicles and research is also going on to make them driverless or autonomous vehicles.

Trinetra’s FMS software uses a telematics enabled system run on a web-based platform. This Fleet Management software, with mobile app integration, has many benefits to economically run fleet operations in any industry.

How Fleet Managers facing the Lockdown in COVID-19 crisis can plan

Fleet Managers are facing the brunt of the widespread Lockdown. The unprecedented crisis of COVID-19 has brought traffic to a standstill and fleet operations to literally a halt. Fleet managers / owners have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis that has forced a lockdown of towns and cities across states. Transportation of goods people and non-essential items have come to a grinding halt. Fleet vehicles have been parked or stopped while in transit.

The Lockdown is a matter time, as it will be relaxed in a phased manner and over demarcated geographical areas. However, it is also time to plan for life after COVID-19 outbreak. So, fleet managers too have to start preparing for a different scenario, with changed priorities. Business will be different, have geographical areas, as priority locations, since ‘hotspots’ will be quarantined off and other areas will be marked off according to severity of the novel Coronavirus outbreak.

Projecting the type of business or payloads that will earn priority, will help in planning your fleets’ activities. The type of vehicle is also related to such priorities. Medical supplies and essential commodities will require the relevant type of vehicles, including refrigerated trucks. So make a forecast with available and disseminating information. Make use of your software and existing data to analyse and chart your future plan of action. Ensure improving efficiency, make costs lower, because critical to commercial success is your fleets’ efficiency. Telematics can make improvements actually to reduce costs.

Panning Routes & Journeys. A telematics driven fleet management solution enables fleet managers to plan journeys quicker to reach destinations faster and economically. With new geographic priorities the plans for journeys will not be as usual and the FMS software should take care of it all.  Telematics can deliver smarter route planning for your drivers and managers. It provides historic data, in real-time, on the journey planned. The updated data helps find the best time of the day to take the shortest route for each vehicle and consignment.

Driver Training & Assignment. The real-time feedback given by FMS can improve driver skill, for more efficient driver behaviour. Driver training helps in following hygiene and other norms to obey in light of the virus infection and pandemic spread. It also helps reducing fuel costs & vehicle maintenance. Improved visibility helps the right person to be allotted the right job quickly.

Lower Cost & Time. Administrative tasks can be reduced to a minimum and many automated. Mileage and trip data, via the fleet management system, improves or optimises the complex dispatching process to lower costs and time.

Sanitisation & Regulatory Norms. In the present crisis, authorities have brought out new regulations for sanitisation and hygiene, with regard to handling of items and the vehicles with health officials involved. Your FMS system has to incorporate these changes and adaptations to fulfil the regulatory requirements.

Trinetra’s FMS software is works on a telematics driven eco-system on a web-based platform. The Fleet management software, with mobile app integration and GPS technology, offers innumerable benefits to sustain any transport or fleet operations in any kind of scenario. Learn more about Trinetra products and about the customisation benefits. Kindly visit our website – www.trinetrawireless.com. You can also submit an enquiry form and also request for a demo, for which we’ll respond promptly.

How to grow your fleet business and not the costs

Fleet management solutions

Growing businesses undoubtedly run their commercial operations efficiently and successfully, but there are a number of costs involved in their growth. In a fleet business too, you should have the ability to make sure you can make improvements on the efficiency of your operations.

When your fleet business expands, ensure improving efficiency makes costs cheaper and that costs don’t grow along, because critical to commercial success is your fleets’ efficiency. The abilities of telematics can make improvements actually equal to reduced costs. Find here how to evolve and grow your fleet business efficiently with a fleet management system, without suffering escalating costs.

Make Quicker Journeys. An efficient workforce equals to more time on the road and more man-hours. However, a telematics driven fleet management solution enables fleet managers to plan journeys quicker to reach the destination points faster. Constant communication between the back-office team and drivers in vehicles, make journeys more effective and direct and thus more economical.

Planning Routes. A telematics solution can deliver smarter route planning for your drivers and admin staff. Fleet vehicles can be managed to reach customers and end points faster by assigning whoever is closest to the end points remotely. A telematics solution provides historic data, in real-time, on the journey and all logistics involved. The data helps you obtain even the best time of the day to take the (shortest) route planned for each vehicle.

Driver Empowerment. Telematics can provide the data to drivers to optimise their performance. They get data on fuel consumption, on harsh steering, braking or acceleration instantly. It helps improve driver awareness on their driving behaviour that affect costs negatively. It can help drive down CO2 emissions, maintenance sots and insurance premiums.

Driver Training. The real-time feedback via the FMS system can help improve driver skill-set, leading to more efficient driver behaviour. Driver training helps increases value by reducing fuel costs, vehicle wear and tear. The improved visibility offered by telematics solution helps the right person with the right skill set, (at the right location) to be allotted the right job quickly.

Lower Admin Cost & Time. Unnecessary administrative tasks incur unwarranted costs & time. Mileage and trip data via the fleet management system improves complex dispatching process and quality of phone calls for coordination between stakeholders.

Helps the HR Manager. The better visibility allowed by a telematics (GPS enabled) solution empowers HR Managers to effectively manage safety risks and occupational health through employee and training programs.

Trinetra FMS application runs on the new telematics driven eco-system and is a web-based fleet management software, with mobile app integration supported by GPS technology, that offers innumerable benefits to grow and sustain a client’s transport or fleet operations. Get to know more about Trinetra products and learn about the customisation benefits on offer. So, please visit our website – www.trinetrawireless.com. If interested, fill in and submit the enquiry form online. You can also request for a demo online and we’ll respond to it promptly

Use GPS Tracking for equipment and benefit by it

GPS Tracking Device

In a competitive market, new technology becomes important in growth and development. Thus we see telematics has come to play an important role in many sectors of industry and business. Telematics systems keep fleets of vehicles safe and efficient, improving efficiency and productive.

Fleet tracking devices are able to provide insights into driver behaviour, vehicle diagnostics and much more. The system can be adapted to your assets that are moved frequently. The GPS tracking system is the right solution. The device can prevent the theft of heavy equipment that are critical to your business or service.

Construction equipment can be protected with GPS tracking where even insurance won’t or even can’t. many other heavy or expensive equipment can be tracked. They include: Storage Tanks, Agricultural Machinery, Containers, Trailers, Earth Movers, Heavy Equipment, etc. Assets that are placed around, on a work site or warehouse are prone to be stolen or misused.


A GPS tracking device fixed on your asset, transmits information, or data, to your software, from which insightful reports can be drawn out. The tracking system uses satellite technology to identify real-time location, asset movement, improper use and other derived results for analysis. Asset managers can monitor the utilisation of assets in real-time.

Time based parameters help to calculate run-time or hours logged, as the case may be, nearly instantly. The system can generate alerts or notifications based on defined parameters or metrics, like over-usage or under-usage of assets. It helps in preventive maintenance and in service schedules. Equipment tracking gives the mangers more visibility on how they are being used or operated.

GPS tech improves efficiency & productivity. Although GPS tracking was used only for vehicles it has gained acceptance in many more industries. The software allows specific rules or limits to be set for assets, like areas of operation or hours permitted. Monitoring such parameters allows informed decision making for your business to improve productivity and ROI.

Reduce insurance costs. Insurance companies offer discounts for clients who don’t claim for damages, repairs or other reasons. The data generated from GPS tracking devices results in costs savings and reduced liability for accidents and compensation. It can help reduce casualty indirectly, via alerts or warnings.

Records and data storage. Asset managers will find the reports and records kept useful in analysis. The software helps to track productivity improve efficiency of operations and assets. Less time is spent in administration and decision-making, as everything is available instantly digitally.

Improve profitability. Timely and informed decision making reduces costs, saves time and improves efficiencies you can improve workflow, asset utilisation optimise time allocation reduce downtime, overtime and maintenance cost.  All this effective increases profit margins.

Trinetra FMS, a web-based fleet management software, with mobile app integration, can offer all the benefits mentioned above to improve your business or service. Find out more from our website – www.trinetrawireless.com. Submit an enquiry or ask for a demo here and we’ll happily respond to your request.

Good reasons to invest in Telematics for your transport business

telematics software

With the economy growing fast, technology becomes important in growth and development. The transport sector is one of the evident beneficiaries and proof of this growth, as it has seen rapid development. Here is where telematics has come to play its role in transport management. Both have grown parallel and complimentarily.

Role of Telematics.

Telematics technology covers a huge spectrum and is an effective combination of telecom and informatics. In fleet management, it has taken a pivotal role to change the business in transport and fleet operation.  Telecommunication transfers the data and informatics manages the data. Telematics makes the management and control of operations of the fleet on road, easier and more efficient.

Technology is used to share vehicular data, via wireless transmission, over long distances. The multiplication of vehicle population has made telematics valuable to fleet owners and transport managers. It has some highly advanced features that you need to take into account.

Improve Driver Management. Driving conditions (bad weather), long tiring hours on road, etc. can lead to inefficiency of drivers. But Telematics devices can help monitor work rate or measure driver-vehicle movements like braking, acceleration, cornering, etc.  This can help evaluate driver performance and offer rewards or counsel for remedy.

Get Driver Involvement. Using fleet telematics and driver feedback, the company can involve the driver insights in decision making, drawing a strategy or in planning. Telematics virtually connects the manager with his driver crew in real-time.

Supports Compliance. Telematics can be an organising tool that helps sync with industry mandates, norms and standards. This technology can help maintain compliance in terms of emission, documentation, speed limits, payload, etc.

User Experience & Engagement. The UX & UI of applications have improved greatly in recent years. FMS Software allows involvement of users/drivers to interact easily digitally. By utilising the functionalities on the platform, everyone will be benefited. It will promote efficiency and motivation.

Safety First. Telematics has enabled fleet management to use cloud computing. This saves time for managers and drivers, and ensures security of documents in cases of emergency. Without compromising on safety, drivers get communication, some entertainment and relaxation. Digitisation ensures big reduction of paperwork for the company/operator.

Additional Benefits.

There are additional benefits that accrue from telematics:

Improving Productivity. As the efficiency and performance of the vehicle increases, productivity is improved. Real-time communication between managers and drivers allows free flow of data, improving relationship and trust. Telematics allows an advanced routing and mapping system to help optimise travel time and distance, avoid heavy traffic, save fuel, reduce waiting and idling time.

Reduce Operating costs. Owing to the scale of operations, any savings ca be multiplied or duplicated. It will save costs and maximise resource utilisation. FMS with IoT can inform vehicle condition for corrective action, maintenance and safety.

Optimising performance. Data from every ride/trip can help generate reports to evaluate performance of vehicle and driver. It enables managers and drivers to make modifications or take actions to reduce downtime and wastage.

Trinetra FMS, a web-based fleet management software, with mobile app integration, can optimise operations and costs, improve efficiency and productivity. Get more details from our website – www.trinetrawireless.com. Place your enquiry or ask for a demo, and we’ll support your request.

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