Ways to reduce idling time of fleet vehicles.

Jan 11, 2025


Fleet managers and owners have to be consistently watching out for energy efficiency of their fleets, since fuel costs account for nearly 60% of their budget in fleet management. That is why vehicle idling time is such an important factor. Fuel consumption is monitored on a daily basis, as it is the critical recurring cost incurred by the fleet business or operator.

However, the advancements in telematics devices helps the Fleet Management System (FMS) in many ways than just logging the hours to save costs. Telematics tech, such a GPS, can help with insights to look into many factors that drive cost of operations, of which vehicle idling time is a major factor.

High Cost of Idling Time. There are several reasons why idling time goes up. These reasons are – # Road Traffic conditions # Loading & Unloading time # Toll Booths # Warming Up of engine or cabin # Rest Stops # Unscheduled Stoppages (like using a Phone). But there are allowances made for the mental and emotional health of long haul truck drivers.

Excessive Idling adds to Cost. A large number of fleet vehicles suffer hours of idling time each day and such excessive idling costs the fleet business money. As a thumb rule, operators expect a 10% loss of fuel economy over a period of time owing to idle time. This also affects costing and budgeting of the fleet, as the larger the fleet, more the wastage. Excessive idling costs increases maintenance costs besides adding to running costs (fuel). Emissions also are unnecessarily generated and that causes pollution.

Using GPS Tracking. GPS tracking monitors idling better. A telematics software or a fleet management software empowered by GPS tech, is capable of recording a lot of data about the vehicle, including handling.Thus driving behaviour can be evaluated to find out over-speeding , harsh breaking and cornering. All this affects the efficiency of vehicles. So, apply methods to reduce idling time, like alerts or notifications generated by the software.

Route Optimising. The telematics can help to optimise routes for vehicle to destinations before or during the journey. It takes into account traffic conditions, detour, accidents and other possible drawbacks that affects idling time. GPS also supports in geo-fencing that helps restrict the travel beyond defined limits geographically.

Trinetra’s FMS software works on a telematics enabled system, run over a web-based platform. The GPS enabled Fleet Management software, with mobile app integration, offers numerous benefits to economically sustain fleet operations run in any kind of industry. Know more about Trinetra Wireless products and how customisation benefits you. Please visit our website – www.trinetrawireless.com. If you submit an enquiry form, we’ll respond to it as soon as possible.

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